Mechanical design has been divorced from reality.

Since the 1970s, humanity has forgotten how to build great things. At Dirac, we're reuniting the worlds of engineering and manufacturing to bring humanity back to the future.

Who are we?

We are a team of builders. We're aggressively pursuing a future for humanity that is driven by abundance.

Who are you?

You are a heretic and an adventurer. You don't like the world as it is today and are ready to execute on a better future. You're excited to change the way builders build, to enable the next generation of humanity's finest to build the future around us.

Open Roles

We're looking for talented humans to help us change the way humanity builds.


The best way to tell if you’re good fit for the team is if you share our core values and principles:


Curiosity, tenacity, and ambition.

We’re all about optimism and integrity; we want to improve the world and look at our moonshot as an opportunity to do so. We aspire to be a vortex of competence: we set our sights high and execute relentlessly.

“It can’t be done” is not in our vocabulary.
